Главная страница > HoN > Патч 0.1.35/Patch 0.1.35
13.08.2009, 12:57
Патч 0.1.35/Patch 0.1.35

Version 0.1.35

- Mana combustion mechanics will no longer affect units with Magic Immunity

- Fixed a neutral spawn on Caldavar for the Hellbourne Ancients. It was spawning two Predasaurs and one Predasaur Crusher. It now spawns two Predasaur Crushers and one Predasaur.

- Fixed Puzzlebox Mauler not revealing stealth units
- If a hero has more than one Sacrificial Stone, only the first Sacrificial Stone will gain and lose charges from hero kills
- Fixed a bug causing Nullfire blade to be created with 0 charges when the final component was given to a hero from a courier
- Reduced health and mana regeneration per charge on Sacrificial Stone to 1.5 (from 2), and lowered passive mana regeneration to 150% (from 200%)
- Increased damage of Doom Bringer from 200 to 250

Blood Hunter:
- Fixed an issue causing his Blood Sense to trigger from dormant heroes (heroes waiting to respawn after the corpse had died)
- Added a custom minimap icon for heroes that fall within the health threshold to trigger Blood Sense.

- Unholy Expulsion can now only support a set number of spirits. Using refresher and re-casting this skill while it is still active will kill the previous spirits
- Removed movement speed bonus from Power in Death

- Fixed an issue causing Summon Malphas to play its effects before initiating the cool down or mana cost of the skill

- Fixed level 1 armor (from 3.4 to 0.7) and base damage (reduced by 18)
- Fixed an issue causing the first portion of Lava Surge to act as a silence instead of a stun
* This will allow units to queue abilities to be used after the stun duration
- Reduced radius on Lava Surge slightly to more closely match Sand King's Burrowstrike
- Steam Bath will no longer harm neutral creeps (includes Kongor)
- Added some upward motion on Lava Surge to make it more obvious when you are impacted by it

- Changed Impale to a Physical based skill. Magic Immunity no longer grants protection from it, and the damage dealt is Physical.

- Improved Dread armor reduction, from -1/-2/-3/-4 to -2/-3/-4/-5

- Increased the cool down on Chain Lightning from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds

Категория: HoN | Просмотров: 549 | Добавил: Nikolay17 | Теги: Patch | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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